COVID-19: Briefly, What We Need to Know
As part of your healthcare team, Healthy Wings and our network of Specialists, desire for you to be armed with information that would support your well-being, that of your family, and to help you to avoid panic and paranoia.
The virus can be spread through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The scientific community is NOW positive that this form of the Coronavirus can be spread when an infected person is not showing symptoms, also known as being asymptomatic.
We also know the original virus that came to the U.S. was a mutated form that started in Europe and not in China. Since January 2021, there has been several mutations to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The various variants have been shown an ability to infect those that have received the COVID-19 vaccines and/or recovered from a prior SARS-CoV-2 variant. Thus, a person can become re-infected by different strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus after being initially infected, as both my husband and I experienced.
Symptoms typically present within 2 to 7 days after becoming infected. This can be a long incubation period which makes tracing the original source of the infection difficult. There is typically a worsening of symptoms after improvement ~ day 10 of the infection (aka, double sickness).
How to Protect You and Your Family: CONTINUE VIGILANCE
The COVID-19 Vaccines DO NOT prevent you from getting infected or from spreading the virus.
EVERYDAY, it is important that everyone strive hard to prevent the spread of all germs through the following suggestions:
Wear a face mask whenever you are in public or among those who do not live in your home. A protective barrier is better than none. The best protective barrier is the N95 (or KN95 or Euro FFP2); the second best is a “Surgical Mask”.
Wash hands often with soapy water for at least 30 seconds; cover both hands entirely, washing between the fingers, and under fingernails – soap kills the virus’ outer shell. Use hand sanitizers if soap and water are not available.
Avoid unnecessary close contact with others, especially someone appearing to be sick. Maintain a 6-10-foot physical distance from others when you leave your home.
Avoid touching your mouth, nose, or eyes with unwashed hands.
Avoid touching surfaces in public. Germs can live on surfaces after becoming infected by saliva or mucus. Therefore, be mindful to wipe down surfaces often with a disinfectant in your car, home, work, desktop, telephone, computer keyboard/mouse, cellular telephone, and tablet.
Sneeze or cough into a napkin and dispose of it quickly.
Bathe or shower, and brush and floss teeth at least twice daily – especially before bedtime (germs multiply and breed in the mouth during sleep). Use a sinus wash with distilled water (Neti Pot) 3 to 4 times weekly especially if you have asthma, allergies, hay fever, and/or allergic rhinitis. Persons with airway disorders, must control symptoms to avoid lowering the immune system further. Do get plenty of fresh air and sunshine (with sunscreen, of course). The virus cannot survive for long in fresh air or under direct sunlight.
How to Boost the Body’s Immune System:
As always, maintaining a strong immune system is key to protecting yourself from illness or helping your body to make a speedy recovery. At this stage of the spread of the virus: it is not a matter of IF you get the virus; it is a matter of WHEN you get the virus, is your body’s immune system strong enough to fight off the invasion of the virus?
Avoid Panic, Fear, and Anxiety - these emotions increase stress. When the body is constantly stressed and fatigued, the immune system can be lowered which allows for the onset of illness.
Pray and/or meditate several times daily to reduce stress and anxiety.
Maintain daily hydration with water in the amount of 12 to 16 cups (for example, 3-4 liters or six to eight 16-ounce bottles). Avoid excessive caffeinated or sugary beverages and foods.
Eat fresh live foods (for example, vegetables, fruits, legumes, and grilled fish, or poultry) that helps to boost your vitamin C, vitamin B, zinc, iron, fiber, and protein levels. Avoid crap foods (for example, enriched and refined sugars, rice, pasta, potatoes, flours, and ready-made fast foods) these foods lower the body’s immune system, increases inflammation, and increases blood sugar (glucose) levels.
Exercise more (for example, 3 to 4 days per week for 30 to 45 minutes each session) – use a YouTube exercise video in your home to avoid unnecessary exposures at a gym.
All of the items above helps to inspire proper waste elimination (pooping). To avoid illness, toxins must be released from the body daily.
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